The inclusion of a site in the Tile Gazetteer does not guarantee any availability of public access nor that any listed site remains in existence or is unchanged. Locations List & Web Site Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
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TACS is delighted to be able to provide the entire draft text of the location details from the "Tile Gazetteer: A Guide to British Tile and Architectural Ceramic Locations" as an online educational resource. It must be stressed that mention of a building or other location in the database or the linked TACS Tile Gazetteer does not imply that it is open to the public. The reader should assume there is no public access, unless there is clear evidence of public admission. Every effort has been made to provide accurate location descriptions, but the reader should be aware that buildings are subject to change; tile pavements, for instance, may be hidden beneath carpets at short notice. Thus, the inclusion of a site in this listing does not guarantee any availability of public access or that any listed site remains in existence or is unchanged. The Tiles and Architectural Ceramics Society and the Editor of the linked TACS Tile Gazetteer accept no liability of any kind whatsoever, however arising, which may result from the use of the database or the Gazetteer. (N.B. Many locations may be inspected from the public highway, and the TACS programme of site visits often allows access to normally private locations, as do events such as Open or Heritage Days.) Please read the Locations List & Web Site Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. |
If you quote text from the Tile Gazetteer, please give the reference as follows:
Lynn Pearson, Tile Gazetteer: A Guide to British Tile and Architectural Ceramic Locations (Richard Dennis, Shepton Beauchamp, 2005)
The Gazetteer is arranged geographically, in the case of England by county, although these have been defined so as not to split up any administrative areas, for instance the Gazetteer entry for Cheshire covers the administrative areas of Cheshire County Council, Halton Borough Council, Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council, Warrington Borough Council and Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council. The area covered by each English county is given at the end of its introduction. London is treated by borough, Scotland and Wales by unitary authority, and the Isle of Man is taken separately. Within these counties and authorities, entries are arranged alphabetically by town, often with a suggested walking route around major sites; London sites are listed alphabetically by street.
Figure numbers in the text are references to photographs in the printed version of the Tile Gazetteer and are not reproduced in the online version.
The Tile Gazetteer is Copyright © 2005 Tiles and Architectural Ceramics Society and Lynn Pearson, Richard Dennis.