The TACS Journal is an annual scholarly publication containing illustrated articles of original research, many covering subjects being studied for the first time.
2024 Index to Glazed Expressions Nos. 1–92 & TACS Journal Nos. 1–29

Vol 29 2023: Dr Louise Boreham The Role of Louis Reid Deuchars in the Architectural Ceramics produced by the Compton and Aldourie Potteries • Dr Mario Baeck Iberian tile styles versus global taste: foreign influences in Spanish Modernismo and Portuguese Arte Nova wall tile production. • Agnese Tamabaka The Art Nouveau Tiles of Riga in the vestibules of tenement houses.

Vol 28 2022: Hans van Lemmen The two-volume catalogue of Ken Beaulah’s tile collection • Rob Higgins The Birch Tile Companies of Stoke-on-Trent • Introduced by Hans van Lemmen Burmantofts in the 1880’s – two accounts of visits to the works.

Vol 27 2021: Dr Aki Toyoyama Japanese Majolica Tiles in Colonial India • Dr Mario Baeck Tiles on Paper: The study of trade and tile catalogues – a useful key to understanding the design and use of 19th and 20th century floor and wall tiles • Dr Rob Higgins Insights from the TACS ‘Tile File’: The Rise and Fall and Rise of British Tile Making since 1820.
Vol 26 2020: Georgina Grant & Gillian Crumpton Schooling Good Taste: The Coalbrookdale School of Art 1856–1924 • Dr Alan Swale Influences and motivations: South Kensington terracotta constructions of the Department of Science and Art • Radhika Vaidyanathan British Tiles in Colonial Period Buildings in Southern India and Mumbai – £12.00 Buy
Vol 25 2019: Susan Darby Richard Prosser (1804-1854) Engineer, Inventor and Patent Law Reformer • Hans van Lemmen Minton’s Prosser’s Patent Tiles 1840-1854 •Dr Mario Baeck The myth of an invention: the early developments of dust-pressed tile manufacturing on the European continent. – £12.00 Buy
Vol 24 2018: Susana Coentro; Rui A.A. Trindade; Rui C. da Silva and Vânia S.F. Muralha The techniques of Hispano-Moresque tiles: Examining the collection of the Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha in Coimbra, Portugal • Colin Fenn The last throw of clay: Sepulchral ceramics in England • Annemie De Vos, Melissa Vandevijvere, Frans Caignie, Mario Baeck and Geert Van der Snickt Restoration of The Conversion of Saul: New techniques in the treatment of sixteenth century Antwerp tile panels.
Accompanying Ceramic Memorials Gazetteer download, compiled by Colin Fenn
Vol 23 2017: Hans van Lemmen From over-glaze to under-glaze: British transfer-printed tiles 1756–1854 • Hans Theunissen & Hatice Adıgüzel A Paradise for the Studious and Literary: the Dutch Tiles of the Ragıb Mehmed Pasha Library • Angela & Barry Corbett Lesser known pre-WWI artists at Pilkington’s Tiles.
Vol 22 2016: BURMANTOFTS decorative tiles for interiors
Vol 21 2015: Paul Hardin Kapp and Gillian Crumpton Industry and Art: The Jackfield Tile Museum and the John Scott Collection at the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site, Shropshire, England. • Ian M Betts Edwardian and Later Lettered Tile Panels in Branches of W. H. Smith • Ian M Betts Decorative Tile Panels in Branches of W. H. Smith.
Vol 20 2014: Bart Verbrugge Delft Tiles Abroad De Porceleyne Fles Expansion into International Markets 1900-1940 • Mario Baeck The Flourishing of Belgium Ornamental Tiles and Tile Panels in the Art Nouveau Period • Klaus Schiller 111 Years of Tile Production in Boizenburg: A Brief History of the Early Years.
Vol 19 2013: Chris Blanchett The Decorative Tiles of Frederick Garrard and John James Lewis • Pedro Flor, Maria Joao Pereira Coutinho, Silvia Ferreira and Susana Varela Flor Rediscovering the Great Panorama of Lisbon in tiles • Susana Varela Flor Dirck Stoop (1618-1686) in Portugal: Paintings, Engravings and Tiles.
Vol 18 2012: The Journal: A Brief History •Penny Beckett The TACS Locations Database Project • Lynn Pearson The Karl-Marx-Alle, Berlin: A Pictorial Record • Christopher R. Marsden Dorothy Annan and the Fleet Building Panels • Lindsay Lennie James Duncan Limited: Scotland’s Tiler
Vol 17 2011: Sheila Menzies and Joseph A.Taylor Editorial • Riley Doty British Tile Makers in the United States: 1910–1940 • Mike Sims Robert Minton Taylor. A Life of Trials and Tribulations • Barbara McMullen British Terracotta in Canada. Its Import and Use 1809–1931.
Vol 16 2010: Johan Kamermans Trials of Technology: the attempt by the Dutch firm Rozenburg to adopt mass production techniques for tile making •Andrew Montgomery Farrago 1909-10: Modernism in the satiric deconstruction of the English house • Christopher R. Marsden Anything with Anything: An introduction to the art and craft of Alan Boyson.
Vol 15 2009: Lindsay Lennie (Historic Scotland) The Tiled Shops of James Duncan Limited • Barry and Angela Corbett Tile Designs by Lewis Foreman Day for Pilkington’s Tile & Pottery Company • Mario Baeck Ornamental Terracotta in Nineteenth Century France: Virebent of Toulouse • Jaume Coll Conesa (Museum Director), The Museo Nacional de Cerámica “González Martí” and Ceramic Tile Collecting in Valencia.
Vol 14 2008: Peter Hyland The Rescued Minton Tile Printing Plates at the Wedgwood Museum • Fernando González Moreno A Brief History of Talavera Tile Production: Tradition and Revival • Mario Baeck In accordance with archaeological handbooks: neo-gothic floors in the Cathedral of Our Lady, Antwerp, Belgium • Hans van Lemmen Ceramic Follies.
Vol 13 2007: Christopher R. Marsden The Architectural Ceramics of Fritz Steller • Maureen Devine Aesthetic Chicago: Art Tiles of the Samuel M. Nickerson House • Penny Beckett Unsung Pioneers: the founders of Gibbs & Canning, Terracotta Manufacturers.
Out of Print
Vol 12 2006: Hans van Lemmen An iconographic and iconological approach to tile analysis based on a study of the Edward the Confessor tile at Westminster Abbey • Biddy Macfarlane Donald Maxwell’s Domesday Tiles • Mario Baeck Cement tiles: An exploration • Alastair Scott Anderson The South Building, Royal Observatory Greenwich: The Meeting of Art and Astronomy
Vol 11 2005: Kathryn Ferry Colour and Geometry: The Tile Designs of Owen Jones • Laura Gardner ‘Domestic and Ecclesiastical Workmen’: W.B. Simpson and Sons • John and Mary Bentley Tiled Stove Manufacture in South Sweden • Lynn Pearson Decorative Tile and Terracotta Exports by British Manufacturers, 1840-1940.
Vol 10 2004: JULIE GILLAM WOOD Behind the Facade: An Insight into Burmantofts’ Trading Ethos • LYNN PEARSON To Brighten the Environment: Ceramic Tile Murals in Britain 1950-70 • JOHN PRICE ‘Everyday Heroes ‘: The Memorial Tablets of Postman’s Park • PENNY BECKETT George Swift and Liverpool’s Swan Tile Works.
Vol. 9 2003: LINDA F. DYKE Henry Chapman Mercer’s Tile Collection • LYNN F. PEARSON Memorial and Commemorative Tiles in Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Churches • MARGARET A.V. GILL A Munificent Benefaction: Godwin Tiles in St Peter’s Church, Hereford • MICHAEL SIMS Gilbert Elliott and the Muskingum County (Ohio) Courthouse Floors.
Vol. 8 2000: ALAN SWALE Architectural Terracotta and Faience – a critical appraisal • HANS VAN LEMMEN Tiles in Seville • PETER WILLIAMS Floor Tiling in Saint Mary’s Church, Shrewsbury • LYNN PEARSON Decorative Ceramics in the Buildings of the British Brewing Industry.
Vol. 7 1998: GEOFFREY KAY The Peacock of Mysore – an account of the tiled floor of the Wedding Pavilion in the Mysore Palace, Karnataka State, India • GRAHAM SCOTT The Dream of City Architecture Expressed in Colourful Ceramics – the theories and architecture of Halsey Ralph Ricardo • HANS VAN LEMMEN A Special Series of Ravesteijn Delftware Tiles Made for Export to Britain • BRUNO BENTZ AND DANIEL DUFOURNIER Chemical Analyses of Dutch Tiles from the Castles of Marly (Yvelines), Rocheclwuart (Haute-Vienne) and Labbeville (Vail-d’Oise ) • ANDREW SKELTON The Carshalton Water Tower Tiled Bath – a study in Anglo-Dutch Tiles • ROBERT HUNT On the Applications of Science to the Fine and Useful Arts Artificial Stone – Tessera, etc.
Vol. 6 1996: CLEOTA REED A Discovery in Pennsylvania – The ‘Tiles’ Guardbook of John Gough Nichols • CHRIS BLANCHETT The Tiles of Dorchester Abbey • JANET DOUGLAS Patronage and Politics in a Leeds Parish – The Story of the Brangwyn Mosaics in St. Aidans Church, Harehills • DOUGLAS VAN DER HORST Architectural Ceramics in South Africa – The Products of Olifantsfontein.
Vol. 5 1994: JOHN CHERRY The Creation of the Medieval Tile Collection in the British Museum, 1851 to 1866 • JANE COCHRANE Medieval Tiled Floor Patterns • REVD JOHNS REYNOLDS Alfred Reynolds and the Block Process • CONRAD BIERNACKI Wedgwood Tiles: the Thomas Allen / Albert Moore Link • JOAN SKINNER The Fancy Factories of Wallis, Gilbert & Partners.
Vol. 4 1992:GRAHAM D KEEVILL An Introduction to Romano-British Brick and Tile • J STOPFORD The Yorkshire Medieval Tile Project • GK B EAULAH Encaustic Tiles – a 19th Century Viewpoint • GEOFFREY KAY Charles Lynam – an Architect of Tile Factories • LAWRENCE D BURTON William Burton and Pilkington’s Tiles Limited.
Vol. 3 1990: Shirley Strachan Henry Powell Dunnill: a Victorian Tilemaster • Kevin Gannon Refuge Assurance Company Offices, Manchester • Miranda F Goodby George Tinworth: an Artist in Terracotta • Hans van Lemmen Children’s Games on Dutch Delftware Tiles • G K Beaulah FSA Samuel Wright of Shelton and his Tiles.
Out of Print
Vol. 2 1987: Richard Myers Murray Marks and Thomas Elsley, Importers of Dutch Tiles • Dr Francis Celoria Contributions towards working definitions of the word ‘Terracotta’ • Alan Swale The Terracotta of the Wedgwood Institute, Burslem • Peter and Diana Clegg Discovering the Decorative Art Tile Company.
Vol. 1 1982: Hans van Lemmen Nineteenth-Century Dutch Tiles • Betty Greene The Godwins of Hereford • Richard & Hilary Myers Morris and Company Ceramic Tiles • G .K. Beaulah Tiles of rhombic shape at Thornton Abbey with notes on some others
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